Jenni Braunhofer – Company Secretarial and Paralegal Assistant Manager

Jenni Braunhofer

Jenni is a Chartered Company Secretary and an Associate of The Corporate Governance Institute UK & Ireland. Jenni previously worked for PwC, Deutsche Bank and Pearson plc. Her experience encompasses corporate governance, company administration, board support and effectiveness, corporate restructuring and legal entity reduction.

Since joining Complete Projects in February 2023, Jenni has worked for BAFTA, collaborating with their Senior Leadership team to create a more robust corporate governance framework and a more efficient contracting process. This project has included establishing delegations of authority, assisting in onboarding a new Chair, conducting extensive due diligence to understand and assess current processes, and presenting conclusions and recommendations to the client. 

When she's not working, Jenni enjoys exploring new places and immersing herself in fiction.


Saranne Day